M E R M A I D | S O C I E T Y

 M E R M A I D   |    S O C I E T Y

T A K  E   A   D E E P   B R E A T H -  Y O U   C A N   DO   IT !

The Mermaid Society is a network of ORCA Ireland members, past volunteers and an initiative by ORCA Ireland which encourages women and girls of all ages to pursue careers in STEM, and have careers in the maritime industry.

Why Sign Up?

- Gain and give mentorship to help women and girls with an interest in science to develop mid-sets geared toward success.

-Engage in the great out-doors and use nature to get exercise and learn mind-fullness, set challenges and achieve goals and make friends getting involved in our ocean activities, wildlife ecology field trips and marine conservation campaigns.

The Mermaid Society is open to all members of ORCA Ireland. If you are wondering if this is a club worth joining then ask yourself these simple questions....

- Are you passionate about our ocean's wildlife?

- Do you love to be in or on the sea?

 - Do you enjoy expanding your horizons and learning new things?

If you said "YES"  "Join the Pod" and sign up today!

There is no time like the present!

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