School & University Visits

Public Talks

ORCA Ireland give public talks around the country and at national and international conferences. Our team enjoy visiting primary and secondary schools, in addition to third level institutes around Ireland to deliver talks and interactive out-reach sessions about the diverse marine megafauna species in Irish waters, ORCA Ireland's important research, and the threats marine wildlife face. We provide innovative solutions to marine conservation monitoring with training on how to use the free OBSERVERS APP for citizen science. We also take TY students, or Erasmus students on as volunteers for a short periods every year. These students may represent ORCA Ireland as our Youth Ambassador and help to create awareness among their piers through developing fun and creative ways to engage members of the public in marine conservation.

ORCA Ireland's Youth Ambassador Martyna Frankowska at CSS Secondary School, Cork, Ireland in March 2019. Martyna did her TY work experience for a period of two weeks with ORCA Ireland and decided after to take up the role lead ORCA Ireland's Plastic Free Pledge.

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